Hai Guys Kali Ini Gue Mau Share Aplikasi Virtual Musik Yaitu Beatpad, Beatpad ini Sama Seperti Launchpad, Launchpad sudah Tau Belum?:v hehehe Yaudah Ini ane Kasih tau Sedikit dirancang oleh. Beatpad provides a simple and quite fun way of playing beats! Pros Installing Beatpad on a Windows PC is an effortless task. The interface is easy to figure out. Load beats and play them by pressing the corresponding key or by clicking a button on Beatpad’s interface. Beatpad is free software. Cons At the time of writing this, Beatpad is a Beta.

About BeatPad

BeatPad is an application developed by XME Inc and released on iOS. The app is compatible with iOS or later on the following devices: iPhone and .

Click the button or scan the QR code below to download BeatPad for iOS. Check out our downloads section to download BeatPad for android and other platforms.

Beatpad For Pc

Download beat pad for pc

App Rating & Updates

Rankings History
  • Ranked #169 in US App Store /
  • BeatPad has an average rating of 3.5.

Recent updates

Beat Pad Download Free

  • Free -> $0.99 Oct 2, 2018
  • $0.99 -> Free Sep 29, 2018
  • Free -> $0.99 Aug 13, 2018
  • $0.99 -> Free Aug 11, 2018
  • Free -> $0.99 Aug 6, 2018
  • Release v4.5.5 Aug 2, 2012
  • Release v4.5.4 Aug 25, 2010
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BeatPad Screenshots

What Client’s Say

Review: BeatPad When I’m in my car my BeatPad doesn’t get synced to my Bluetooth. Is this a future fix...

Review: 'Dope App' 'I thought this app was DOPE right out the gate. It really gave me the feeling of J. Dilla or...

Download Beatpad For Pc

Review: 'Update this app to better performance' 'Add auto tune within the app, and different beats to make.'

Beatpad Free Download For Pc

Review: Good app. Could be great. I loved it until it wouldn’t export tracks the way they sounded. Now the count down gets stuck at 3,...

Review: 'Don’t underestimate this app' 'If you have enough creative you can pull some fire out of this app and the packs are could be...

BeatPad Add-Ons

The app is $0.99 but you can buy extra add-ons via in-app purchases.