1. Dream Avatar Creator Gaia Free
  2. Dream Avatar Creator Gaia Game
Dream Avatar Creator GaiaGaia
…but it would be a lot more awesome if it had a useful index.
Since I couldn't find one, I made one. You can now find it right here on the RPG.net wiki. All it is is a big long list of all the items, neatly categorized, with all the colors and variations listed, so you can quickly skim to the sections that interest you, skip the items you know you don't want, and hopefully spot some items you might have missed otherwise. If you see a description that looks good, you simply type it into the Avatar Maker's search box as usual.
Yes, that does mean I trolled through the entire frikkin' directory by hand and compiled a list of every single bloody item. I think. I've almost certainly missed something in there. (I groaned in horror when I discovered that some items appear only on one gender, which meant I had to go back through again…) It gave me something to do on insomnia nights, when I was too tired to update my PbP games.
In future, maybe I or someone else will add neater layout, or split the massive monster page that it is into sub-pages. But for now, it's just lots of lines of searchable text, because it was easier that way.
If you don't know what this is all about, the Dream Avatar Maker is an electronic paper-doll program, ostensibly used to test avatars for the Gaia Online e-community, but a bunch of folks around here have starting using it to make cute chibi character sketches for their RPG campaigns. It's mostly just modern-day and anime-flavored fantasy garb, but the selection grows every month. It's fun.
To demonstrate, here are some simple, and perhaps familiar, examples:
And some of the cast of my current Traveller game, Solomani, Vilani, and Droyne…

Use it in good health, folks, and please fix any typos you find. And if you make some good 'uns, share 'em!
…but it would be a lot more awesome if it had a useful index.
Since I couldn't find one, I made one. You can now find it right here on the RPG.net wiki. All it is is a big long list of all the items, neatly categorized, with all the colors and variations listed, so you can quickly skim to the sections that interest you, skip the items you know you don't want, and hopefully spot some items you might have missed otherwise. If you see a description that looks good, you simply type it into the Avatar Maker's search box as usual.
Yes, that does mean I trolled through the entire frikkin' directory by hand and compiled a list of every single bloody item. I think. I've almost certainly missed something in there. (I groaned in horror when I discovered that some items appear only on one gender, which meant I had to go back through again…) It gave me something to do on insomnia nights, when I was too tired to update my PbP games.
In future, maybe I or someone else will add neater layout, or split the massive monster page that it is into sub-pages. But for now, it's just lots of lines of searchable text, because it was easier that way.
If you don't know what this is all about, the Dream Avatar Maker is an electronic paper-doll program, ostensibly used to test avatars for the Gaia Online e-community, but a bunch of folks around here have starting using it to make cute chibi character sketches for their RPG campaigns. It's mostly just modern-day and anime-flavored fantasy garb, but the selection grows every month. It's fun.
To demonstrate, here are some simple, and perhaps familiar, examples:
And some of the cast of my current Traveller game, Solomani, Vilani, and Droyne…

Use it in good health, folks, and please fix any typos you find. And if you make some good 'uns, share 'em!

Dream Avatar Creator Gaia Free

Gaia online avatar creator

Dream Avatar Creator Gaia Game

Everything you do on Gaia earns your avatar gold, and this gold can be used to purchase even better items for your avatar. Here will show you how to create a dream avatar for gaia gold. You can then save and share your dream avatar with the rest of the world, or use your dream avatar. Have you ever wanted to make your dream avatar that you wish one day your gaiaonline avatar would look like well you can at:Fun. It was popularly known as Gaia dream avatar maker which was basically used for creating different types of Avatar online. It was definitely a fantastic website as it had all the possible resources for designing avatars online and that too in the most creative way. Also, it was quite easy to use and could create unique avatars in no time. Tektek.org is specifically made to create your 'dream' avatar for Gaia online and have the price range listed for it with the items listed that you created it with. You can post the Dream avatar.