This site serves the latest KiCad libraries which are community contributed on the KiCad github page.

  1. Kicad Library Location Macomb
  2. Kicad Library Location Macon

If you would like to contribute to the libraries, refer to the library contributing guide at

Library licensing information is available at

In the KiCad-4.0.7.dmg, moving the KiCAD folder into a local user’s apps folder (i.e. A folder in the user directory) is fine. However moving the associated kicad “support folder” to ‘ /Library/Application Support ‘ does not work – when trying to load a footprint, you receive the following error. Click on the Add existing library to table button: E. Navigate to the directory where you cloned the Digi-Key KiCad Library. Navigate to the digikey-symbols folder within digikey-kicad-library folder. At this point you can add one library at a time or all of the libraries.

Kicad Library Location Mac

Kicad Library Location Macomb

KiCad has an open source library, which is one of the advantage of it. Every week, KiCad's library is updated through GitHub from KiCad. This article is dedicated to show how to install additional libraries for KiCad, and adding third-party libraries such as Digi-Key or Sparkfun Electronics for example. How to Make the Library Visible Permanently. Apple hides the Library folder by setting a file system flag associated with the folder. You can toggle the visibility flag for any folder on your Mac. Apple chose to set the Library folder's visibility flag to the off state by default. Here's how to change it. Library includes footprints and symbols for ESP32 IC, ESP32-WROOM module, and ESP-32S module. NOTE: AI-Thinker has canceled the ESP3212 it has been replaced with the ESP-32S the library has been upated to reflect this but it still contains the footprint for the ESP3212 incase you got lucky and were shipped one.

Available Libraries

The following library files are available:

Kicad Library Location Macon

  • Symbols - Schematic symbol libraries
  • Footprints - PCB footprint libraries
  • 3D models - 3D model data

Cloning Libraries

Users who wish to keep up to date with the latest libraries should clone the KiCad libraries using Git or SVN. Cloning the library repositories means that users only need to download updates to the libraries, rather than re-downloading library files multiple times. This can significantly save on bandwith usage and allows users to control which library versions they use.

This site is automatically generated and mirrors the latest library data available on the KiCad GitHub page.

Library updates may take up to 48 hours to appear.

Last updated on 13 May 2021