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  2. Macbook Pro Shortcut Keys List Pdf
Macbook shortcut keys list

Amaya keyboard shortcuts for Mac OSX

See Full List On Idownloadblog.com

Amaya defines two kinds of keyboard shortcuts for Mac OS X: shortcuts usingstandard Apple modifier keys (ex. Cmd+C to copy the selection) and shortcutsusing sequences (ex. Ctrl-t Ctrl-t to create a table). As Mac OS X users arenot familiar with shortcut sequences in menu entries, only standard shortcutsare shown by default. To display them, you have to select the optionDisplay all shortcuts in thePreferences > General dialog and restart Amaya.

  • Start typing the word. Press Option–Esc (or F5) to open suggested word list: Switch to Outline Mode in TextEdit: Press Option-Tab to convert the current line into a list item; Press Return to create another list item; Press Tab at the start of a blank list item to indent it, creating a sublist; Press Shift-Tab to remove a level of indention.
  • Cool shortcut keys for Mac 1. Invert display colors. A truly psychedelic key combination. This shortcut inverts all the colors on your Mac's screen to their opposites. Try it, and your world will never be the same. On the flip side, you can find a few practical applications for this command, for example, to adjust your screen to different lighting.
Macbook Pro Shortcut Keys List

Standard Shortcuts

⌘K Keyboard Shortcuts⌘S Basic Go to editing ⌘X Cut line (empty selection) ⌘C Copy line (empty selection) ⌥↓ / ⌥↑ Move line down/up ⇧⌥↓ / ⇧⌥↑ Copy line down/up ⇧⌘K Delete line ⌘Enter / ⇧⌘Enter Insert line below/above ⇧⌘ Jump to matching bracket ⌘ Indent/ ⌘ /outdent line. Whatever your needs, you can boot your Mac in a variety of modes to complete a task before startup; all you need to do is press some keys down and wait for the chime (unless you have a newer MacBook Pro, sorry). Here are all the keyboard shortcuts you can use when starting up your Mac! Start up in safe mode; Startup Manager. Jan 11, 2021 To use a keyboard shortcut, press and hold one or more modifier keys and then press the last key of the shortcut. For example, to use Command-C (copy), press and hold the Command key, then the C key, then release both keys. Mac menus and keyboards often use symbols for certain keys, including modifier keys: Command (or Cmd) ⌘.

Macbook Pro Shortcut Keys List Pdf

Go To homeAlt Home
Start of pageCmd Home
End of pageCmd End
Start of lineHome
End of lineEnd
Scroll downCmd Down Arrow
Scroll upCmd Up Arrow
File menu
Open documentCmd O
ReloadCmd R
BackAlt Left Arrow
ForwardAlt Right Arrow
SaveCmd S
Save asCmd Shift S
SynchronizeCmd Y
Setup and printCmd P
PrintCmd Shift P
Close tabCmd W
Close windowCmd Shift W
Edit menu
UndoCmd Z
RedoCmd Shift Z
CutCmd X
CopyCmd C
PasteCmd V
FindCmd F
Nest list itemsTab
Move up list itemsShift Tab
Structure navigation
Parent elementF2 (or Fn F2)
First childShift F2 (or Shift Fn F2)
Next elementF4 (or Fn F4)
Previous elementShift F4 (or Shift Fn F4)
Views menu
Show toolsF8
Zoom inCmd +
Zoom outCmd -
Show map areasShift Cmd M
Show targetsShift Cmd G
Show structureShift Cmd R
Show sourceShift Cmd U
Show linksShift Cmd L
Show alternateShift Cmd A
Show table of contentsShift Cmd T
Split view horizontallyShift Cmd H
Split view verticallyShift Cmd V
Insert menu
ParagraphCmd Shift Return
BreakCmd Return
Tools menu
Check spellingCmd :
Macbook Pro Shortcut Keys List

Shortcut using sequences

Insert menu
Map AreaCtrl h Ctrl m
PreformattedCtrl h Ctrl p
AddressCtrl h Ctrl a
Horizontal RuleCtrl h Ctrl h
ImageCtrl h Ctrl i
DivisionCtrl h Ctrl v
BlockquoteCtrl h Ctrl q
RubyCtrl h Ctrl r
CommentCtrl h Ctrl c
Heading menu
Heading 1Ctrl h Ctrl 1
Heading 2Ctrl h Ctrl 2
Heading 3Ctrl h Ctrl 3
Heading 4Ctrl h Ctrl 4
Heading 5Ctrl h Ctrl 5
Heading 6Ctrl h Ctrl 6
List menu
Bulleted ListCtrl h Ctrl l
Numbered ListCtrl h Ctrl n
Definition ListCtrl h Ctrl d
Form menu
Insert a FormCtrl o Ctrl f
ButtonCtrl o Ctrl b
CheckboxCtrl o Ctrl t
File SelectorCtrl o Ctrl u
HiddenCtrl o Ctrl h
ImageCtrl o Ctrl m
PasswordCtrl o Ctrl p
RadioCtrl o Ctrl r
ResetCtrl o Ctrl x
SubmitCtrl o Ctrl s
TextCtrl o Ctrl i
FieldsetCtrl o Ctrl c
LabelCtrl o Ctrl l
MenuCtrl o Ctrl n
SubmenuCtrl o Ctrl g
TextareaCtrl o Ctrl a
Object menu
ObjectCtrl h Ctrl o
ParameterCtrl h Ctrl w
Table and Edit table menus
TableCtrl t Ctrl t
CaptionCtrl t Ctrl l
Change to Data cellCtrl t Ctrl d
Change to Heading cellCtrl t Ctrl h
Join with the cell at the rightCtrl t Ctrl e
Join with the cell belowCtrl t Ctrl j
Shrink horizontal extendCtrl t Ctrl s
Shrink vertical extendCtrl t Ctrl m
Select the rowCtrl t Ctrl r
Insert a rowCtrl t Ctrl i
Append a rowCtrl t Ctrl n
Select the columnCtrl t Ctrl c
Insert a columnCtrl t Ctrl b
Append a columnCtrl t Ctrl a
Paste beforeCtrl t Ctrl p
Paste afterCtrl t Ctrl v
Information Type menu
EmphasisCtrl i Ctrl e
StrongCtrl i Ctrl s
CiteCtrl i Ctrl w
DefinitionCtrl i Ctrl x
CodeCtrl i Ctrl t
VariableCtrl i Ctrl v
SampleCtrl i Ctrl m
KeyboardCtrl i Ctrl k
AbbreviationCtrl i Ctrl u
AcronymCtrl i Ctrl y
InsertionCtrl i Ctrl i
DeletionCtrl i Ctrl d
Character element menu
QuotationCtrl i Ctrl q
BiDi overrideCtrl i Ctrl z
Math menu
Insert a formulaCtrl m Ctrl m
New matrixCtrl m Ctrl h
Plain textCtrl m Ctrl x
IdentifierCtrl m Ctrl d
NumberCtrl m Ctrl n
OperatorCtrl m Ctrl g
SpaceCtrl m Ctrl Space
CharacterCtrl m Ctrl e
InvisibleTimesCtrl m Ctrl i
ApplyFunctionCtrl m Ctrl a
RootCtrl m Ctrl r
Square rootCtrl m Ctrl q
EncloseCtrl m Ctrl c
FractionCtrl m Ctrl f
Subscript and SuperscriptCtrl m Ctrl b
SubscriptCtrl m Ctrl v
SuperscriptCtrl m Ctrl 6
Under and OverCtrl m Ctrl k
UnderCtrl m Ctrl u
OverCtrl m Ctrl o
ParenthesesCtrl m Ctrl p
MultiscriptsCtrl m Ctrl s
Palette math
Structure rowCtrl m Ctrl l
PiecewiseCtrl m Ctrl j
MatrixCtrl m Ctrl t
FactorialCtrl m Ctrl !
Universal quantifierCtrl M Ctrl A
ComplexesCtrl M Ctrl C
DifferentialCtrl M Ctrl D
Partial differentialCtrl M Ctrl d
There existsCtrl M Ctrl E
ArrowCtrl M Ctrl F
Arrow with baseCtrl M Ctrl f
Greater than or equalCtrl M Ctrl G
IntegralCtrl M Ctrl I
Special integralCtrl M Ctrl i
ImplyCtrl M Ctrl J
Equivalent toCtrl M Ctrl j
Less or equalCtrl M Ctrl L
ApplicationCtrl M Ctrl M
NaturalsCtrl M Ctrl N
NegationCtrl M Ctrl n
Product from ... to ...Ctrl M Ctrl P
ProductCtrl M Ctrl p
RationnalsCtrl M Ctrl Q
RealsCtrl M Ctrl R
Sum from ... to ...Ctrl M Ctrl S
SumCtrl M Ctrl s
Tend to ...Ctrl M Ctrl T
Tend to ... when ... tend to ...Ctrl M Ctrl t
UnionCtrl M Ctrl U
Column vectorCtrl M Ctrl V
Line vectorCtrl M Ctrl v
Is inCtrl M Ctrl Y
IncludesCtrl M Ctrl y
Relative numbersCtrl M Ctrl Z
Alphabet grec
alpha : α, ΑCtrl g Ctrl a / Ctrl G Ctrl A
beta : β, ΒCtrl g Ctrl b / Ctrl G Ctrl B
gamma : γ, ΓCtrl g Ctrl c / Ctrl G Ctrl C
delta : δ, ΔCtrl g Ctrl d / Ctrl G Ctrl D
epsilon : ε, ΕCtrl g Ctrl e / Ctrl G Ctrl E
zeta : ζ, ΖCtrl g Ctrl z / Ctrl G Ctrl Z
eta : η, ΗCtrl g Ctrl h / Ctrl G Ctrl H
theta : θ, ΘCtrl g Ctrl j / Ctrl G Ctrl J
iota : ι, ΙCtrl g Ctrl i / Ctrl G Ctrl I
kappa : κ, ΚCtrl g Ctrl k / Ctrl G Ctrl K
lambda : λ, ΛCtrl g Ctrl l / Ctrl G Ctrl L
mu : μ, ΜCtrl g Ctrl m / Ctrl G Ctrl M
nu : ν, ΝCtrl g Ctrl n / Ctrl G Ctrl N
xi : ξ, ΞCtrl g Ctrl q / Ctrl G Ctrl Q
omicron : ο, ΟCtrl g Ctrl o / Ctrl G Ctrl O
pi : π, ΠCtrl g Ctrl p / Ctrl G Ctrl P
rho : ρ, ΡCtrl g Ctrl r / Ctrl G Ctrl R
sigma : σ, ΣCtrl g Ctrl s / Ctrl G Ctrl S
tau : τ, ΤCtrl g Ctrl t / Ctrl G Ctrl T
upsilon : υ, ΥCtrl g Ctrl u / Ctrl G Ctrl U
phi : φ, ΦCtrl g Ctrl f / Ctrl G Ctrl F
chi : χ, ΧCtrl g Ctrl x / Ctrl G Ctrl X
psi : ψ, ΨCtrl g Ctrl y / Ctrl G Ctrl Y
omega : ω, ΩCtrl g Ctrl w / Ctrl G Ctrl W
Links menu
Copy locationCtrl l Ctrl c
Link to previous targetCtrl l Ctrl p
Create or change linkCtrl l Ctrl l
Create targetCtrl l Ctrl t
Delete anchorCtrl l Ctrl d
Format menu
Create ruleCtrl i Ctrl c
Show applied styleCtrl i Ctrl g
LinkCtrl i Ctrl l
OpenCtrl i Ctrl o
RemoveCtrl i Ctrl r
Tools menu
TransformCtrl t Ctrl x
Change titleCtrl h Ctrl t
Generate table of contentsCtrl h Ctrl g
Graphics menu
Show the graphic libraryCtrl l Ctrl s
Add the selected graphics in the libraryCtrl l Ctrl f